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24 dezembro 2010

Per una Bara Piena di Dollari - Mark Wolf - Lyric/Letra inédita

I know my love (De Mutiis/De Paolis) G. Simonelli
Música – Lallo Gori (Coriolano Gori)
Interpretada por "Mark Wolf"
Filme: (Per un Bara piena di Dollari)

Por Um Caixão Cheio de Dólares

I know my love
by your face,
by your smile
so sweet and glory
to me.

I know my love
by your grace, (face)
by your way
how look at me
at me so tenderly
at me so tenderly.

I love her, with all my heart
She's always in my mind
and I know, I couldn't live without her
I know, I couldn't live
I know, I couldn't live
I know, I couldn't live
I know, I know

I know my love
By your grave
By the side
of her sweet face
nice face

Músicas Ripped Vinyl - Re-Uploaded Mediafire

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